The Ethics Blog

A blog from the Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB)

Columbo in Athens

One of the most timeless TV crime series is probably Columbo. Peter Falk plays an inquisitive police lieutenant who sometimes seems so far beyond ordinary time reckoning that he can make Los Angeles resemble ancient Athens, where an equally inquisitive philosopher cared just as little about his appearance. I hope you have seen a few […]

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Psychological distress: an overlooked issue in immigrants

Psychological distress that ethnic minorities experience is an often overlooked problem. In France, the mental well-being of ethnic minorities, particularly those with North African immigrant backgrounds is an important issue to study. Both first- and second-generation immigrants face unique challenges that may make them more vulnerable to more general mental health issues, and psychological disorders. […]

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Digitization of healthcare requires a national strategy to increase individuals’ ability to handle information digitally

There is consensus that the digitization of healthcare can make it easier to keep in touch with healthcare and get information that supports individual decision-making about one’s own health. However, the ability to understand and use health information digitally varies. The promising digitization therefore risks creating unequal care and health. In this context, one usually […]

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